First seizure with our Aries!! This is how he reacted. We couldn’t be more pleased. He laid on Chelsea until she was able to stand herself. This is what good breeding and good lines do for you (with a touch of prompting in showing him what to do). . Sherri Noll Petersen
Tippet loved backcountry skiing! She is a rock star. Ramsay Taylor Hill
Henry is now 17 months. His parents are Thunder and Salt. We feel so very lucky to have him. He is the smartest dog we’ve ever had and so very loving! We love him so much! Thank you for such a beautiful, smart, fun, loving addition to our family! Jennifer Haug
some photos of some of our adventures together that we wanted to share.Andy, Jen, Tyler (& Rylee)
I wanted to send you an update on Viggo since it’s been almost 2 months since we’ve had him now.
Let me just say he is the sweetest puppy I’ve ever had, he is very loving and has to be with you, touching you or leaning on you at all times. He has these really loving eyes too, he stares at Jeff and I very intensely and it makes us melt. He’s a good listener and is coming along nicely with the training we are giving him. He loves to play with my other 3 labs and finally they are interacting with Viggo as well (at first he was biting them a lot and he was a bit small and they seemed very cautious around him, but when he got a little bigger they are all playing together). Viggo is about 30lbs right now. He’s been swimming since early June too, he started off pretty young, but he loves water regardless if it’s the pool, the hose, or the sprinklers, he’s very into it, he even puts his face and head under water! And finally, I gotta tell you, ever since we got him and have taken him to the vet or when I have friends over to see him, I get so many compliments on how perfect he is, big block head, great legs and gate, nice chest, etc, and his coat is gorgeous; the 2 vets I see at Kennel Care can’t say enough nice things about Viggo. All the girls in the vet’s office want to hold him and kiss him, it’s really funny how everyone swoons over him. Here are some pics –
Hi Owen, just updating you that everything is going great with the new pup. He’s wonderful, he’s so mild mannered and calm and cuddly. He has these loving green eyes and they make me melt. J
Geoff, the driver, said the ride went well and that the pup was well behaved and sweet. When Geoff took him out of the kennel I was so happy to see how cute and calm he was, what a face on this guy!
Geoff said he was almost tempted to drive past our house with the pup, he was so great on the trip that Geoff commented how lucky we are to have such a terrific new dog. Geoff also told us your home/kennel are superb, that your place was so clean and well run, he was very impressed. He’s been to many breeders and he said no one compares to what he saw at Kanosh. So thank you for taking such great care of your dogs and their pups for us lab lovers!
The first 2 pics are from when he first got delivered, we went right out back and he cuddled up to my husband Jeff. The 3rd pic is him rolling around, he was so relaxed for just being on such a long journey. After we were done out back he fell asleep so I snapped his photo.
We had a good first night, he slept 5 hrs then whined to go out pee. He went right back to sleep in his kennel and then we woke up about 3 hrs later to go out again and to eat breakfast. He’s a very good puppy.
My three other labs are wondering who this pup is, but everyone is getting along, the puppy likes to climb all over his big brothers and they take it very well.
As for the name, we think his name is Viggo, but not 100% sure, still mulling it over. We had a list of names ready but none of them worked for him, so we are spending some time with him and trying to pick the right name. So far Viggo is winning. Seamus is also in the running, since he was born on St Paddy’s Day. I’ll let you know what we decide. Thanks for everything Owen, we couldn’t be happier.
Hey there! It’s Jamison Sivulich. We got a pup from you last year from Libby and Thunders litter. I wanted to let you know how he is doing.
He is awesome! He’s about 80lbs a little over 1 year old and just the most energetic, playful, lovable and spirited pup that we’ve ever had. He has such a fantastic personality and is great with all our children and our cats, we couldn’t be happier! He loves the water and will swim any chance he gets, it’s crazy how much fun he has with water, lakes or pools it doesn’t matter to him! Also, he is such a little smarty-pants! He knows all the tricks and he even helps carry the groceries in from the truck every time we go shopping! He has been such a blessing and we thank you very much! We’ll be getting him a playmate from you guys in a year or two!
Thanks so much!
The Sivulich Family
Hi Owen Family,
Just wanted to say we were thinking about you guys as Lilly’s three year birthday rolled around.
We can’t thank you enough for breeding such amazing dogs!! Lilly is the dog of Dora and Ike. She is such a kind, calm, beautiful, and smart dog. Also very trainable! We get compliments every time we are out with her and we always tell them where we got her and how amazing your dogs are! Thanks so much for doing such a great job.
My kids ask every time we drive to St. George if we can stop by the farm, one of these days we will have to drop by.
Thanks again,
Kristina, Rob, and Carlson Kids
Hi Owen . Brenda and Gary here with our one year old lab, Abby. She has grown into a beautiful well behaved lab. She loves to chase things that are flying and one time she chased a jumbo jet flying at 30,000 feet with a contrail behind it. We called her back on that one. Abby is nonstop entertainment and we love her very much. She has added a lot of love to our family! Thank you so much for allowing us to purchase one of your puppies!

We hope all is well in Kanosh. Sunday, April 7th, marked the 1st birthday of our amazing companion, Nieya. Nieya was born to Libby and Alii; we picked her out on June 2nd and drove her back to Montana where she has been having a blast.
We just wanted to let you know how she is doing and what an amazing friend and smart pooch she has become. I’ve attached a few recent pictures– despite being a chow-hound, she’s small, weighing in at only 46 pnds. So we imagine she will always be a small lab, unless she has some late growing spurt. She’s got a great disposition–loves people, dogs and is ALWAYS happy. She’s got the softest, creamiest fur (and ears!), perfect “otter-like” tail, beautiful amber-ish eyes and lovely markings on her legs/ears/tail/back… and she’s just a little love bug! She has enthusiasm for whatever she is doing, no matter what that might be. She follows me everywhere in the house, comes when she is called and is doing extremely well in the training department. Basically, we believe she is quite smart and easily trainable. Although we continue to work on the “retrieving” part her breed claims to be, but I’m sure we’ll get there! 🙂 We can’t wait to teach her to swim this summer at our cabin in Minnesota.
She is a delight and has helped us get through the loss of our beloved 14+ yr old lab we lost over a year ago.
Please thank Libby and Alii for creating such a wonderful friend for us.
All our best,
Bill and Jennifer Reed
Big Sky, MT
Molly is a sweetie and she’s turning into one heck of a great duck dog. Her natural instinct is phenomenal. The other night she swam out to retrieve a wounded duck. The duck kept diving and she stayed on it. Finally she went all the way under the water and grabbed the duck. The only thing that was out of the water was her tail. It was awesome……
Hope all is well in Kanosh.
David HOwen,
Cosmo is sure a sweet pup. We love how calm he is when people come over. He discovered the food bin in the pic. We’ve got an appt with your brother on thurs.
Thanks for raising such nice Labs.
Just a quick note to let you know we made it home yesterday just fine. We took our time and let the pup get out and take care of business here and there. He did absolutely great – he didn’t even have an accident in the van. We weren’t sure what we’d do about the sleeping arrangements last night. He liked being outside, so we thought we’d give the crate a shot. We put a pillow bed in the crate and shut the door and he didn’t make a noise all night. No crying or howling. We were up early and went to check on him and he did just great. No accidents in there either. He ran right over to the grass when we let him out.
He’s got such a pleasant personality and seems to really like hanging around with everyone. He’s taking a nap right now – in his crate again. I guess your kennel really got him started on the crate training. 🙂
Thanks again for your help in picking out Cosmo for for being so nice to my family yesterday. We got a kick out of seeing the kennels and taking a road trip together.

Hi Owen, we love Sage to pieces, she is so very sweet, with just a touch of naughty. She loves everyone, our mini mini aussie has her a little buffaloed, but with 4 female dogs in the house most of the time they all get along really well, I will send you some pics. My husband has taken her out for ducks once and she was after one in a bad area so he had to call her off, hopefully he takes her out again soon. She is very smart, she knows sit, down, shake with both paws, roll over, back up and go to bed. So far she has eaten a heated dog water bowl, a doggie door and the stairs to the bed, I know it is just lack of exercise but we have been so cold (I don’t want to walk 4 dogs in 20 degrees). The dogs were getting used to walking 4 miles a day and then the cold hit. We still run them around the orchard, but it is not enough for her. We love her body type and she is 63 lbs, and sheds like a son of a gun, my house will never be clean again, but that is okay. She is all we could have hoped for and more, she has not eaten a single shoe, and mostly just destroys dog toys. Sage is very spoiled as you will see by the photos. Thank you again for being an exceptional breeder, we sure appreciate it. Don’t be surprised if we come back for another one some day.
Hi Owen,
So it’s been a week and the pup has settled in nicely. His name is Rhys (pronounced Reese), we gave him the spelling they use in England because it’s more fitting of him. J
From the get go Rhys and Viggo became best friends, I can’t believe how Viggo takes care of him and watches over him and he plays with him so much. Rhys chews up Viggo, but Viggo is so calm and good about it, what a gentle perfect lab Viggo is!
I think Rhys is going to turn into a really good dog, there is something about him, he watches us so intently, he seems like he wants to learn so badly, there is something about him that we haven’t seen before in our other labs, it’s hard to explain. Rhys is also very loving, he wants to cuddle and be picked up by both me and Jeff, he lets us know too, he sits in front of me and hits my leg with his paw and looks at me and when I pick him up he settles right in, he’s not restless and he just melts in my arms. He’s napping on us too, he lays right on your chest and falls asleep. I like a cuddly lab! Viggo is a big lover like that too, he has to be touching you or laying on you. Hahaha Now I have 2 lovey-dovey dogs!
Thank you for another wonderful lab puppy! I can’t say enough what wonderful dogs you offer, so even tempered, smart, not skittish at all, just all round great companions.
Thank you Kanosh Labs!
What a great pleasure it has been to have a Kanosh Lab in our family for the past 8 years. Duke was born April 2, 2007 and gained an immediate place in our hearts. Sire: Duke’s Golden Nugget IV, Dam: Kanosh’s Stroke H Bell. What a combination for the most well rounded and obedient dog! It was like he was born already knowing the commands. He mastered everything so quickly. Come, sit, stay, lie down, head down, heel, out (to search for feathers), stop! (when returning from retrieve or called to come), and kennel came so naturally with only a few repetitions. Shake was the tricky one, yet took less than 15 minutes training time. All of the other commands were mastered in less time than that! That may sound like a stretch, but it is not, just AMAZING! The words of my wife sum it all up “Duke makes you look like a good trainer” 🙂 Indeed, all of the credit should go to the dog and the incredible efforts to breed such quality dogs as Kanosh Labs has done!
Duke amazed everyone who met him. On two different occasions two ladies wanted to keep him. One of these ladies was even quite animated about it. It was odd that someone would behave that way, but she sure loved MY dog. People at the park were especially impressed with Duke and how well mannered he behaved around people and other dogs. He was wonderfully enthusiastic and energetic, but never hyper. He did not have to meet every other dog or participate in their less than desirable behaviors. He would calmly come, sit, lay down, or stay as instructed.
Hunting. Now that was fun. I had a friend tell me after I acquired Duke, “Well Labs aren’t really bird dogs” Really? Lets talk about my “non bird dog” As a new puppy Duke took to feathers, scent, and dummies right away. As I stated earlier, Duke was born in April. November that same year being just over 7 months old we played for real on the pheasant hunt. Kicked up the first bird, Duke got a surprise (that was funny), bird down and Duke retrieved. The rest is history. I’m not sure if it was Duke’s well mannered behavior or the surprise of the first bird that flushed up in his face, but from that he learned to stop just before the bird or (go on point) He did not flush the birds or try to catch them. Either way, Smart Dog! We enjoyed hunting grouse, doves, chuckers, pheasants, and ducks. As we went on these hunts, fellow hunters came with their “bird dogs,” shock collars and 50 foot leashes. Duke did not require a shock collar to enforce obedience, or a 50 foot leash to keep him close enough to get a shot at a bird. I could simply say “heel, out, stay close, come, or no bird.” I proudly watched as other hunters yelled, cussed and chased, and shocked their dogs. Sometimes their dogs would chase a missed pheasant or a rabbit out of sight. Duke calmly, yet enthusiastically (like I said never hyper) stayed and hunted close by. Just great I figure, after all as my friend said Duke wasn’t supposed to be a bird dog. I’m sure many hunters enjoy their breeds of dog, but for a more pleasing hunt with less chasing and cussing, this is my suggestion. Get a Kanosh Lab!
I hope all is well and you’re preparing for a nice Easter weekend. My friend sent some photos and thought you’d be interested in seeing Snowball’s progress. Recall Snowball was the runt and only female born to Ali and Peaches. I think a lesser breeder might have given up on her, but you certainly didn’t and I know they are grateful for that. I think your decisions to give her the protein powder and also to keep her with her brothers despite her size, where great ones. In regards to the brothers, I think that resulted in a very confident little girl that is curious and fears nothing. New sights, new sounds, big dogs, small dogs…she’s very comfortable in her own skin and eager to explore. Oh, and a voracious appetite.
In regards to her size, she’s developing nicely. I think you can see in some of the latter pictures her muscle tone and stockiness is great. She’ll likely always be on the overall smaller size, but I don’t think that will mean skinny. As I look at some of Peaches pictures, I think I can see her developing to that body type. I think you’d be pleased to know that she has developed well mentally and is a very smart little girl. Sometimes a little too smart and a bit of a trouble maker, but that’s a lab for you. Her retrieving traits are exceptional and took very little effort to develop and she can maintain focus for extended periods of time.
She loves the car and would prefer to sit in a child safety seat, but as you can see she doesn’t fit like she used to. Her favorite toy is Olaf and she has a guinea pig for a buddy. She gets comments wherever she goes, so if you have somebody from Southern California call you, it’s likely because they fell in love with Snowball.
Curious how the brothers are doing? Any updates on their size etc? I hope to be able to contact you for one that I’d keep with me in SLC, but likely about a year away on that.
Thanks again!
Ted just completed the puppy kindergarten class.
Just checking in to see how you guys are doing.Dudley (Libby/Thunder puppy) is now a year old and has been an absolute joy for the family. He does well on the farm, trains and retrieves well, but most importantly is an all around family dog. He is always by my side, or one of the kids. I’ve never met a more even tempered animal He’s currently weighing about 67#’s, which is a perfect size for our family.
I thought I’d follow up with you.
Dudley (the puppy) has grown up to be an even tempered , easily trained young dog. His small white splash does not show at all now. He is relatively small, currently weight in at 65 pounds. He’s a little mouthy, but with a super gentle mouth. He can (and does) destroy varius stuffed chew toys.
I’ve been impressed with his enthusiasm for learning, and the concentration he shows. He will be going into some solid training over the next weeks to work on longer concentration tasks (staying without breaking for very long periods) etc.
As a family dog, we could not be happier. We have not trained him as a bird dog, but his nose is pretty darn good,l he can search and find things that other dogs have missed.
At any rate, it was a pleasure meeting you folks last year. I will definitely work with you on our next dog as well.
Chris Perret